A specialized unit for reaching PWDs in their local communities, collecting information about their needs, and facilitating their access to different services and opportunities on different levels. The unit consists of a team of CBR supervisors and CBR workers located at municipalities and local councils.
Main Roles
On the individual and family level:
- Reach PWDs in their area of residence, collect main indicators and data about their needs, and regularly update them.
- Raise the awareness of PWDs and their families on disability rights, issues, and violations.
- Strengthen social participation of PWDs through inclusive local activities and initiatives.
- Contribute to improving the access of PWDs to different interventions such as education, rehabilitation, economic empowerment, among others, through coordination with specialized units.
On the community level:
- Contribute to mainstreaming PWDs’ issues and rights into the agendas of municipalities and local councils.
- Contribute to improving access of PWDs to specialized services provided by local institutions.