A specialized unit in advancing PWDs’ access to the right to inclusive education, through a two-track scheme. The first track works towards enhancing PWDs’ cognitive and educational abilities and skills. The second track works on the community level with the aim of promoting the adoption of inclusive education at educational institutions, as well as developing the capacities of community centers that provide specialized educational services to persons with disabilities, especially intellectual disabilities.

Main Roles
On the individual and family level:
- Assess children’s perceptual, cognitive and developmental skills in education through specialized assessment tools.
- Develop individual intervention plans to enhance the communicative and cognitive skills of children in cooperation with their families and the relevant educational institutions.
- Facilitate the access of out-of-school children to educational opportunities within educational settings suitable for them.
- Facilitate the access of PWDs to literacy programs.
On the community level:
- Assess the availability of inclusive education settings at educational institutions.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Education to strengthen the implementation of the inclusive education policy and all of its elements, in relation to curriculum, educational methods, educational staff capacities, skills and attitudes, among others.
- Build the capacities of community centers that offer educational services for persons with intellectual and multiple disabilities, and supervise their work. In addition, develop the work methodologies of partner community centers and enhance the capacities of their staff.
- Develop studies, manuals, and guidelines on educational issues for PWDs, and train the educational staff on them.