A specialized unit in facilitating the access of PWDs to economic empowerment and employment opportunities, that works towards enhancing the social and economic independence of PWDs

The unit consists of four tracks:

Career Counselling & Vocational Assessment

This track specializes in the provision of guidance for PWDs towards developing clear and suitable career choices according to their interests, values, and abilities. It focuses on PWDs whose career identity and path are yet to be determined.

Main Roles

Vocational Training

This track works towards facilitating the access of PWDs to inclusive and accessible vocational training opportunities with inclusive training environments, with the aim of equipping PWDs with vocational skills needed for employment, in line with their career identity.

Main Roles

Formal Employment

This track works with qualified PWDs who are looking for job opportunities to facilitate their access to employment opportunities in the labor market.

Main Roles


This track works towards empowering PWDs to establish small income-generating businesses based on their career identity.

Main Roles

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