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The CBR Program at Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation

The CBR approach has been adopted in Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation since the early 1990s through the CBR Program. The program targets PWDs from all types of disabilities, age groups, and gender, as well as their families, Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs), governmental and civil society organizations within the West Bank.
Since its beginnings, the CBR Program has continuously worked towards developing its philosophy, strategy, and tools to finally adopt the community-based inclusive development (CBID) approach. The CBID believes that working towards change requires targeting all societal and structural aspects so that they become more sensitive and inclusive of the rights and issues of PWDs.

Provided thousands of services for people with all types of disabilities all over Palestine.



Years Experience
The program consists of eight units that work collaboratively and holistically, on both the individual and community levels. These units complement each other through their specific goals, roles, and work spheres, and individuals are referred between units depending on needs at each stage. The chart below demonstrates these units: cbr_program Outreach Supervision Field Rehabilitation Education Economic Empowerment Mental Health Social Protection Advocacy and Research  Community Development
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