Yamama Hantash
Occupational Therapist
Yamama Hantash has a bachelor’s degree in Occupational Therapy from Palestine Polytechnic University. Yamama has received several specialized trainings on disability of all types, ages, gender, including autistic children. Prior to her work in the CBR Program, Yamama interned at Bethlehem psychiatry hospital, where she gained experience in working with various psychiatric patients. She also volunteered in BASR’s specialized hospital in the intervention unit with people who had strokes, head and spine injuries, and brain paralysis. She uses a variety of specialized assessments and conducts therapeutic OT interventions, in addition to advising on assistive devices and physical accessibility modifications.
- yamama@cbrsouth.org
- +970 (2) 274 9793, ext. 221
- +97059 205-1698